How can I create a Rollup?
You can create a new Rollup by heading to the Rollups page and clicking Create New Rollup.
Maximum Enabled Rollups Casual Emailer Plan: 3 Inbox Hero: 10

How often can I receive my Rollup?
You can receive your Rollup daily or weekly and choose the day and time. By default, your Rollup will arrive at 8 am every day, but you can change this any time you want by editing the settings (see the next section on how).
If the preset times aren’t what you’re looking for then you can set your own custom time by using the drop-down at the bottom of the schedule section!
Can I change when I receive my Rollup?
Yes! You can change your Rollup schedule by clicking the chevron icon and clicking Edit. You can change your Rollup time or change your Rollup day from this page.

You can customise when you want your Rollup to be sent by;
- Frequency - daily or weekly
- Days - select which days of the week (you can choose one day or every day, up to you!)
- Time - select from our preset times morning, afternoon, or evening (or choose a custom time from the drop-down underneath!)

Can I set a filter for Rollups?
Oh absolutely! Just like with your custom blocklist and priority senders, you can set a filter so emails that match specific rules automatically get added to your Rollups.
- Make your way to the senders section of the Rollup you wish to add a filter to.

- Then click “Add filter” at the top of the page.

- You’ll be presented with our usual filter creation box. Just set your desired parameters, then “Add and close” and you’re all set!

By clicking “Show advanced options”, you can specify which of your email accounts you’d like this filter to apply to, and state specific sender addresses that this filter should apply to. If you leave these options as they are, the filter will apply to all your email accounts and emails from all senders by default.
Can I change how my Rollup looks?
Yes! If you are on our Hero plan then you can select from 3 different layout options depending on your needs;
Featured view - image previews from your most read senders
Detailed view - subject lines for every email for more info
Compact view - overview of total emails for quick viewing

Here's an example of the same Rollup in the different layout options;
Featured view

Detailed view

Compact view

Can I pause or deactivate a Rollup?
You can disable a Rollup at any time by clicking the toggle from the Rollups list or on the Rollup page, and disabled Rollups are excluded from your monthly plan limits.
What happens when you disable your Rollup:
- All previously rolled-up emails will stay in your "_lma-rollups" folder.
- Future emails from senders in that Rollup will not be watched or moved out of your inbox.
- You won't receive any more digest emails for that Rollup.
- You can re-enable your Rollup at at any time.

How can I delete my Rollup?
You can delete your Rollup from the Rollups page here. Click the chevron and click the delete option.
What happens when you delete a Rollup:
- You won't be able to read this Rollup in Leave Me Alone any more.
- We will stop watching for emails from senders in this Rollup.
- We won't move emails in this Rollup out of your Inbox any more.

Additional Search Terms: Change Rollup Time, Delete Rollup, Edit Rollup, Create Rollup, Pause Rollup.