How do I enable Inbox Shield?
Visit the Shield Dashboard and click the "Shields Up" toggle.

Can I still see blocked emails in my mailbox?
Yes you can still see the emails in the _lma-shield folder in your email client. These emails will always be in your mail client even if you disable Shields or deactivate your Leave Me Alone account.

Can I change the Shield folders in my mail client?
Not right now, but we plan to enable this in the future. For now the folder names are as follows;

Can I allow replies to emails?
If you don’t want to block replies to emails you sent then you can allow replies to emails for your connected accounts from the Screener Settings page.
If you have other email aliases you can also allow replies to these by adding them on the settings page.

What happens to my blocklists if I disable Shield or deactivate my account?
If you disable Shield we immediately stop monitoring your inbox and stop blocking any emails. You can still edit your Inbox Shield settings and Blocklists but they will be inactive until you enable Shield again.
If you deactivate your Leave Me Alone account we immediately stop monitoring your inbox and delete all of your account data including all of your Blocklists.